Men! Don’t Make These Three Dangerous Mistakes As You Write Your Online Dating Profile!

Posted on June 25, 2010


You feel like you’ve wasted your hard-earned money because your not getting the response you expected from your online dating forum; you’ve probably written a profile with some serious mistakes that’s making sure you get ignored.

Everybody needs a little help, following are some of the most egregious errors guys usually make and some solid hints on how to fix them:

Mistake #1: Writing an Online Dating Profile for Other Guys When You Should Be Writing for Women.

Sure, you’re a guy and you talk like a guy. But, this is the first step in thinning the herd. You’ve got to talk in a way that women appreciate.  Most men are pretty straight forward. They think in terms of facts and truths. “I’m a happy guy.” “I like to have fun.” “I like funny women.”

Statements like those are lady-killers and not in a good way.  The truth is, a woman doesn’t want the 411 on you, she can get that by Googling your name.  Women are interested in the man, not what the man owns or where he lives or how tall he his.  That’s where a thing called personality comes into play; show it off.

The Fix: Weave stories around the facts of your life that let her see who you are.  Give something such as this a whirl: “When I go camping in the desert, I always awaken at midnight to watch the stars. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, I see a meteor or two, and make a wish.”  Now, next to that inspired statement, how does, “I think camping is fun.” sound? Yup. Skimpy.

Mistake #2: Don’t Spoil the Profile with a Spoiled Picture.

Look at your picture long and hard, because she will, too.  Many guys use an old office organization chart picture. Eyes half-closed and tie askew. Please don’t. Even if your eyes are wide and your tie’s neat.

Body parts are for boring boys. Are you advertising beef or advertising a man of taste and distinction? Think twice about the muscle man shots.  I’m sure you’re really proud of your “guns.”  I know it’s not easy to get totally ripped, but you gotta understand that women are just going to see this as you only being interested in sex.

The Fix: Get some decent pictures of yourself.  Don’t rush off to the studio to get a portrait done; use the one of you smiling over a campfire as you fry up some fish. Or even reading a book, if you’re that sort of guy.

Mistake #3: Profile Name That Elicits Groans.

Remember, a name means a lot. What does “Desperate4Luv” or “ShyGuy85” mean? Pathetic, that’s what. And skip the boring, “Jim95” or “Handsome77”.

The Fix: Conjure up something memorable and fascinating, as you are, something like “GuitarsAndGears” if you’re into stock car racing and steel guitars.  An overtly sexual user name is, once again, a little pathetic. But a name that could be taken one of two ways might work.  Let her wonder about “AnimalLover”, especially if you’ve mentioned in your profile that you’re a veterinarian.

Following these words of advice will help you immensely when you sit down and start writing an online dating profile. And the women will take note.

Stand back, you may find the women messaging you, rather than vice versa, once you post.

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